My 1:6 Buildings

I always enjoyed looking at the photos and dioramas that some of the other websites had.  Loved the buildings and backdrops but knew I really couldn't afford to buy most of them.  Plus, I really enjoy just about every facet of this hobby.  I didn't want to work with real wood (although I could, and would have all the help I needed from my husband who is a retired union carpenter) but I kind of like doing things myself so, I decided, if it was good enough for Marx to make a building set out of cardboard, then it was good enough for me.  Here is some of my work in progress:

1st Building:

Rustic Cabin
Made with sides that fold back, it can be used as a backdrop for photos or, unfold the sides and you can decorate the inside and use the inside for interior photos of the figures.  I decided to make the porch roof look like cedar shake siding so it's been the most labor intensive part so far.  I intend to make a few different signs for the top so I can change it's theme from a cabin to a mercantile to a jail or an outpost.  Different window treatments and interior furniture can turn it into what ever I want it to be for different photos.  Still a work in progress.

I've slowly been working on the inside of the cabin 
 It's just a simple one room cabin for Hank and I.

My Jail

Just started on this not too long ago.  Still have a lot to do to it.
Strictly a backdrop, I will be able to show someone behind the bars or in the doorway
but it will mainly be used with other backdrop buildings for a small town street.